Sunday, December 18, 2011

well I am still waiting for my order that I placed for the cross stitch kit.  I can't decide it is am going to use aida or some type of linen to start my project.  The linen is so beautiful but it's been years since I have done anything like this so Aida might  be a better choice?  Can't decide.  I would really like to be able to frame these completed pieces!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Greetings all!  As a busy wife, mother and business owner there is never enough time for me to accomplish some of the creative things I would live.  I have decided to focus on one thing and get it done!  I have agreed to do a monthly stitch a long with Vonna from Twisted Stitcher.  This women's projects are fantastic, she is a talented stitcher.  If I am ever going to sharpen (pardon the pun) my stitchery skills, I just need to jump in.  So here goes........